just another foolish blog


Lets scape Google

8:34 AM Posted by Eren Yağdıran No comments
i just need to have couple of urls in google results

so instead of writing a pure http client for spoofing google , i write some junk of js files to fetch urls from google , without getting banned :)

I used firefox and greasemonkey plugin.

Basically , what this script does that ;

  1. Wait until google ajax request is loaded
  2. parse the body content to obtaion urls by using regular expressions
  3. after those expressions are evaluaded , i send those url to external website by using GET request
  4. After sending is completed , script generates a fake next click event that is for fetching next page.
  5. And again to step 1 until all results are finished
  6. lastly , modify the gonder function in order to adapt your needs

Check out my script here